David Hoare
My work takes a unique look at small moments and events that take place within the broader society.
My current work highlights the isolation felt during the lockdown. Demonstrated in a series of miniature 3D scenes that are based around the life of the fictional character Stacy Hogarf. These scenes are viewed through closed doors and windows, keeping a distance between the world and the protagonist.
Drawing influence from the simple yet complex line drawings of Annie Pootoogook and the detailed narrative etchings of William Hogarth “The life and times of Stacy Hogarf” is about the everyday, relatable and familiar character Stacy who is set within scenes that record contemporary social events and trends and investigate how much society has really changed through the exploration of historic and contemporary artworks, events and trends.
Mae fy ngwaith yn cymryd golwg unigryw ar eiliadau bach a digwyddiadau sy'n digwydd yn y gymdeithas ehangach.
Mae fy ngwaith cyfredol yn tynnu sylw at yr unigedd a deimlwyd yn ystod y cyfnod cloi. Wedi'i arddangos mewn cyfres o olygfeydd 3D bach sy'n seiliedig ar fywyd y cymeriad ffuglennol Stacy Hogarf. Edrychir ar y golygfeydd hyn trwy ddrysau a ffenestri caeedig, gan gadw pellter rhwng y byd a'r prif gymeriad.
Tynnu dylanwad o luniau llinell syml ond cymhleth Annie Pootoogook ac ysgythriadau naratif manwl William Hogarth mae “The life and times of Stacy Hogarf” yn ymwneud â’r cymeriad arferol, trosglwyddadwy a chyfarwydd Stacy sydd wedi’i osod o fewn golygfeydd sy’n recordio digwyddiadau cymdeithasol cyfoes a tueddiadau ac ymchwilio i faint mae cymdeithas wedi newid mewn gwirionedd trwy archwilio gweithiau celf, digwyddiadau a thueddiadau hanesyddol a chyfoes.