Shaowei Gong
My work integrates many characteristics of speculative design initially investigating mushrooms and their diverse synthesis in cultures and artworks through countless historical periods, specifically via the prevalence and traceability of human existence activities. I have combined this knowledge with my recent experience of living in the UK where I focused on the phenomenon of staying up late in contemporary society. This has resulted in the creation of an App called ‘Night Tracer’ to convey the cultural value, social significance and timeliness behind the design language of brand image in the current global pandemic. My work has explored the causes of staying up late, analysed the people who are awake late into the night and established the common needs of their activities to trace the source of self-awareness. Through peripheral cultural design practice which includes logo, poster and APP UI, ‘Night Tracer’ offers a comprehensive online interactive space for consumers.
Mae fy ngwaith yn integreiddio llawer o nodweddion dylunio hapfasnachol i ddechrau gan ymchwilio i fadarch a'u synthesis amrywiol mewn diwylliannau a gweithiau celf trwy gyfnodau hanesyddol dirifedi, yn benodol trwy gyffredinrwydd ac olrhain gweithgareddau bodolaeth ddynol. Rwyf wedi cyfuno'r wybodaeth hon â'm profiad diweddar o fyw yn y DU lle canolbwyntiais ar y ffenomen o aros i fyny'n hwyr yn y gymdeithas gyfoes. Mae hyn wedi arwain at greu Ap o’r enw ‘Night Tracer’ i gyfleu gwerth diwylliannol, arwyddocâd cymdeithasol ac amseroldeb y tu ôl i iaith ddylunio delwedd brand yn y pandemig byd-eang presennol. Mae fy ngwaith wedi archwilio achosion aros i fyny’n hwyr, wedi dadansoddi’r bobl sy’n effro yn hwyr yn y nos ac wedi sefydlu anghenion cyffredin eu gweithgareddau i olrhain ffynhonnell hunanymwybyddiaeth. Trwy arfer dylunio diwylliannol ymylol sy’n cynnwys logo, poster ac APP UI, mae ‘Night Tracer’ yn cynnig gofod rhyngweithiol ar-lein cynhwysfawr i ddefnyddwyr.